I'm Backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! Oh yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

7:36 AM

Hello Everyone!!!

It has been a year since, I've written anything.  I believe it was due to my restlessness and tiresome of trying obtain a job in Public Relations as well as the struggle of obtaining a job outside of Technical Support within the IT industry and trying to merge the two fields hence, IT Blogging.  I'll fill you guys in later on what I had prepared, planned and failed to execute after my last post.  I'm digressing back on target: On a technology note, let's face it, it'll soon come a time when some genius will create a robotic tool that will be pre-downloaded to everyone computers which will diagnose and troubleshoot any and all hardware/software issues.  Microsoft has created the "Fix It" application, in which, I absolutely love.  However, I am extremely excited to get back to blogging on my site" InMyOwnWorldandMind"this time, I plan to provide updated content twice a week regarding the latest technology trends, hot and new gadgets, life as an IT professional and basic troubleshooting techniques to save you all a little bit of cash!

Everyone likes FREE especially if it can save them money and hours at Computer Repair shops, RIGHT...RIGHT!!!!

I don't have many followers but that is fine..they say Rome wasn't built in One Day...so baby steps!!!!

See you in a Detech Minute!!!!!!!!

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