Love: What really matters?
9:19 AMSo, yesterday I asked a friend of mine who happened to be a male , if it’s possible for a man to love two women at the same time? He answered, he believes it’s possible but then he flipped the question and asked me. I never thought to answer the question myself or think to ever provide my thoughts and opinions. So to my friend, I answered that I do believe that you can love more than one person at a time; however, I believe that the love varies and it’s based on several factors such as emotions, history and deeds. By these, I mean some people love other people based on how they make them feel especially if they’ve never experienced any true feelings or felt appreciated and adored. You have those who love others based on how long they’ve known each other despite rather or not much interaction occurs over the time. Then, you have those who love based on what the person has done or doing for them. There is a no limit on love, the heart pumps blood continuously therefore, love is ever flowing. You can’t help who you love but you can help how you choose to love. Too much pressure has been placed on how a person should love, what it means to receive love and who you should love? I say love who you want to love as long as they make you happy, bring out the best in you and help you live your true life! What are your thoughts?